We tried our best to reach out to our Muslim stakeholders but it seems our call fell on death ears.
We the youth tried our best to find solutions, we reached out to the social welfare, we entered the orphanage homes, we counted out the muslims and we are still making progress, may Allah give us the ability to make great impact.
An issue got me to raise my brows last two weeks which I believe the whole Muslim ummah need to wake up to. Wallahi we are in a deep slumber.
This pastor in the car preached all the way to Linda Door, he adviced, he prayed but his conclusion got me like what are we Muslims doing subhaanallah. This man has come to a place inside upper west or upper east, gotten a land ,and has started an orphanage where all the kids who come there are trained to be pastors and evangelist.
I dont know much but what I know since childhood was that the northern and upper parts of Ghana was dominated by Muslims.
I am not saying Christians do not have the priviledge to spread the word, but what I am trying to put across is that the Muslim ummah are too relaxed. Yes! Allah said he will protect his religion, but what we are all forgetting is the fact that we all have a role to play in that. I cannot hold my tears when I think of the fact that because a child is orphaned, that child no more has the right to be a Muslim in a democratic country, just because we are failing to honor some of our responsibilities as Muslims.
I remember in the part one of this write up; I had numerous calls and one advice that majority of the ummah gave me was to start an impact on my own and that help is from Allah.
I can only visit the orphanage and do very little about this whole issue.
we need a land, we need donors who are ready to invest and start an Islamic orphanage where all these kids can be comfortably accommodated and freely practice their religion.
I felt like this piece will make impact in Ramadan, for this is the time our shaytan is tied up, and our hearts are tender.
With or without the support of others, you and I need to make impact.
The day of judgement will require you and I to answer sample of questions on this issue.
You will say, but there are Muslim orphanages around. They are private, with their own code of conducts, they feed on grants and cannot pick more than they can cater for.
We need an orphanage owned by the Muslims of Ghana, where every street child can enter, get catered for and comfortably imagine a good future for themselves.
From my observation, 65% of the kids on the street are Muslims, either hawking or begging, subhaanallah, what will be the future of Islam in this country. We should remember this whole issue is on us.
Halt the mosques and build the minds, is a good course raised by a brother ; worthy of support. Sometimes I don't understand how we are able to sleep peaceful with these issues.
Change is needed today and now, time is not our friend so is our health and might.
We have all it takes to make a change today.
Let's share and Hope good comes out of this in Shaa Allah.
FB: Nuhu Halima Gambo