FROM-ME-TO-YOU. Even though Ramadan comes with its own spirit, but what plays a pivotal role in us changing our way of living is the mindset that we are in Ramadan. We are in Ramadan so let me dress well, behave well and the likes are what we whisper into our own hearts. We are just at the edge of entering the last 10days of Ramadan. I overheard some girls stop fasting during this period so they can gain weight for eid. Subhaanallah Just as good deeds erase bad deeds, so does bad deeds erase good deeds; let's not forget. The Akans have a saying that goes like " s3 wakume a, 3ne3 we me pr3ko" translated as " if you have killed me, then finish it all by chewing me". We have started with such beauty and charisma, why let go along the line. They say the last always gets the best, but it seems in the last days of Ramadan we don't want to take the best. Are we overlooking the fact that Allah still see us even in the last days of Ramadan. When others ...