I still remember those minutes when I had to silently shed tears after being beaten by my mother.
And that was the last time I stretched my hand to beg for something from a stranger. If my mind set me right, begging was frowned upon during our childhood but what are we seeing today. Begging is now a glorified profession.
This boy who will be between the ages of 11-16, with a can of tintomato around his neck, supported by a string came towards me, He pointed his hands to his mouth which we will all interpret us "give me something to buy food" or "give me food to eat". I can't express what I felt, whether it was anger or pity. I asked a native who are these kids only to be told that "they are kids brought here to memorize the Quran". Kaman How?
I actually do not believe it but whatever the issue is, a child between the ages of 11-16 should be sitting in the classroom and not on the streets begging during class hours.
Putting that aside, we have all noticed this culture of beggers waiting around our central mosques during jummuah prayers, some of them do not even bother to pray with us, they are waiting for us to finish, so that they rush in to beg.
I always believe that, if we give them every week, they will come every other week. We might not be able to stop them from begging, but we can push them away from our mosques. If you want to give out give to the mosque and go home without looking at them, if it continues for months, believe me you, they will move away.
I think is about time our leaders stand up to help us fight this act.
They have the ability to abolish begging around the mosque, all it takes is one announcement in the PA system and you will be amazed that even the deaf who is begging will hear and move away from the mosque. I believe monies given out by the ummah is not only for the mosque, but also to take care of the genuine poor and needy. Forget about that strong man who is begging, he is a lazy one.
As Muslims the prophet (pbuh) told us: *"A person begs and begs.. eventually, he appears on the Day of Judgment with no flesh on his face.", "A person who begs money when he does not need, collects fire."(al-Hindi, VI/495; Ibn Hajar, Bulugh`1-Maram*
Are we encouraging them so that their faces will fall off on the day of judgement? Or we are helping those who are not genuinely in need to collect fire.
They keep coming because we keep promoting the act instead of handling it the right Islamic way.
Some people have even made it a habit to share stuffs to kids after Jummu'ah, the question is "why after jummuah"? We are encouraging a bad habit in our children. You can share in your house once in a while, let's not put the sweetness of getting things when begging into the hearts of our kids.
The new Islamic generation needs a nation that can stand on our own and work for what we want.
Not a nation that begs and gets it all for free, in the end, they sit in the mosque and take our offerings for free, thinking they have gained it.
You and I together with our leaders can fight this.
We are dominating the world. Let's dominate with quality human resource.
May the Almighty grant us all understanding of the right path.
Your sister:
Nuhu Alimatu Sadia