On their phones waiting for the usual late comer, she will surely come with the excuse of cooking supper late. It’s evening and no excuse fits better. Whiles the chat get interesting, Samira chips in the issue of hijab. “Zulpha dear, about your sudden switch from hijab to turban, and leaving if baby hair out whiles tiring, I am not happy about it as your friend. I have decided to discuss with you so we find common grounds on it and also see what can be done about it. “Hajia Samira one! zulpha teased. I cover up now, even in the house , I dress like this and my parents are ok with it. Sweet hubby to be is also ok with it, but my Mallama won’t let me rest”. Oh it’s not like that, you see growing up, hijab, I mean full hijab has been a very key part of my life I have come to love and appreciate, and I would love you feel what I feel towards it as well. My mum put hijab on my head as early as age 2. At age 5 she will pin my hijab below my chin and tell me to roll it o...