We are all happy about our marriage; How do i tell J i lost my Virginity

Since the announcement of our wedding date, it has all been good days, our chats have improved as we talk more about how fun life will be together, and how much we wish this time will come and pass as fast as possible. I believe he sleeps better these days because the smiles are unstoppable especially when we are together. But my sleep is being stolen, my nights are as if I am at the last stage of insomnia, that is, if it has stages. I know I brought this upon myself and the best I could have done was to at least tell 'J' earlier about this whole situation, however my fear never allowed me, and this fear keeps getting worse. Even though he has not asked me about it due to his moral nature, but I know it is something that every man expects of his wife before marriage. ------------------------------------------------ (And do not come near to adultery, it is a shameful deed and an evil, and opening the road to other evils. Surah No. 24, An Noor, Ayat No. 2) --------------...