Most of us are into charity work in this country, actors are donating, these small bodies are also donating. But what do we see, it seems these orphans never get enough, they seem to be always lacking, are they entitled to only used clothings, can't they also wear something brand new. I have not visited all the orphanage homes in Ghana, but the few I have visited is having kids who look like they are disabled, kids who look like they are malnourished, kids who cannot even speak, kids who need intensive care and not what they are receiving. The budget of Ghana was read some weeks ago and the names of orphans was no where to be found. It is as if they are not part of Ghana. We have heard all sorts of campaign messages including cultivating cassava, but we never hear anything about taking care of orphans. Is it that we have forgotten about them or we have intentionally neglected them? The day I visit OSU orphanage home, I will call for a Press conference. Even the nature of the ...