Ouch! She hit her heard hard at the window when the driver applied the is not my head but I won't laugh. I have a very bad habit of laughing at people who sleep in class and on public transport, I guess is my mechanism against sleeping as well. This time round the smile is not coming, even though she is sitting just next to me but i am even ready to lend her my shoulder. From what I see in her basket, I believe she sells sandwiches. It is 11am and the sandwiches are finished already. I wonder the time she came out of the house to start selling and I will not try to imagine when she woke up to take care of her kids, husband and even prepare the leaves and vegetables for sale. Her dozing in a car is understandable. It is rather unfortunate I will have to wake her up in order to alight. Sorry mum, she smiled at me, got down, and even helped me with my things so I can also get down. Thank you maa, oh don't men...