ALHAMDULILLAH PL anning started early Ramadan, Members donated, planning committee were on their toes because a great day was Approaching,, "A DAY WITH THE ORHAN" courtesy...MY HEREAFTER PROJECT. Some were late, the punctuals got furious, but in the end we all settled down. An opening prayer was said, programme line up cant be followed because my little ones cant keep calm. It turned an automatic picnic, soo full of life, pick a child and have fun with him. Some played games together. Some had a chit-chat, some were just there , the introverts i mean. And some of us ..... Busy for nothing.😃😃. Not leaving out the selfie girls and the snappers...they were there some 😀😀😀😍. A tour around their 3 houses , and finally A CAKE WITH THE KIDS. I can still hear the echo of the HUUURRRAAYYY when the knife found its way down the cake😆😆😆. A presntation ...