
Showing posts from April, 2016


Asalamu Alaikum Brothers and sisters  in islam Everytime we do something wrong we say SHAITAAN!! And we forget about an enemy that resides in us That enemy is our NAFS Yes brothers and sis....You have an enemy inside you. Eats with  you Sleeps with you He is your NAFS your own NAFS "Indeed the NAFS  is inclined to EVIL , except the one whom Allah have mercy on"... The best person who ever achieved servitude in all his speeches.... At the begining of a speech he will say " wa na-udhubillahi min shuruuri anfusinaa" (ie) and i seek refuge with Allah 'sunhaanahu wata aala' from   the evil of my nafs. And this is MOHAMMED( S.A.W). What about you and me? In sunnah tirmidhi...When Abubakr (R.A) asked the prophet (S.A.W)  about words that he can say in the morning and at night..Rasool (S.A.W) told him certain words and in these words were "wa a uuzubika minshari nafsee" (ie) And i seek refuge with you Allah from the evil of my soul. Alot of ...