The prophet (s.a.w) told us "if you want to increase your 'rizq' in this life then do not break family ties.... Have you ever sat down to contemplate as to why he said this, what didn't his family members do to him , The first person to rain insults on the prophet to the extend of cursing him when Islam was introduced was his family member (Abhi lahab). Let's look at Annabi lut, alayhi salam. It was his wife who betrayed him and not his friends nor his followers but the greatest asset of his family did him bad Annabi Nuh wasn't an exception ,his own son refused to believe in what he preached to the extend he was consumed by the wrath of Allah. Annabi Yusuf was not spared of this family caucus. His own brothers did all in their might to bring him down . These are the messengers of Allah subhaanahu wata aaala , and they were attacked mostly by their greatest asset (family). Yet they never gave up praying for them they never went a day without praying for the...